
Senin, 30 September 2013

sometimes what we love, isnt exactly the right thing for us

sometimes what we love, isnt exactly the right thing for us

let's take an example....

i love a big house,
with large windows spreading from side to side,
also with a big size of swimming pool plus
a beautiful big garden with roses or tulips.
but, i dont FIT in this kind of homes. WHY?
bcoz, i dont like to take care of tulips (gardening is not my thing), i just like looking at them, maybe if i have this kind of house, i'd like to have an pembantu utk membantuku...

if, somehow, i get this dream home, i may not take care of it well,
mungkin hal ini sebenarnya tidak baik untukku dan untuk rumahku,,
karena, ak bakal kecape'an ngurusin rumah, terus klo ga beres2 kasian juga rumahku jd kotor..

the point isssss....
sometimes what we love, isnt exactly the right thing for us.
i looove cokelat but they're not good for my diet (emg astri pnh diet ya????)
i looove chiki!!! yet they're not good for my health,

i'm not saying that you should get what fits you rather than get what you love.
i'm saying that, kita harus realistis dlm beberapa impian.
sometimes we are blinded by things we want to get
luxury cars, big houses, fancy things...
we should always ask ourselves:
do I really need that?
can I maintain that?
do these things make me happy in the long run?
if mostly NO, then go get yourself a nice small car and a nice small house =))

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