
Rabu, 29 Januari 2014

Saat Tuhan Menyapamu, dengarkanlah...

Beberapa hari yang lalu saya mendapat sebuah broadcast message yang sangat menarik. Berikut akan saya tulis kembali disini

A construction supervisor from 16th Floor of a building was calling a worker on ground floor. Because of noise the worker did not hear his call. To draw attention, the supervisor threw a 10 Rupee note in front of worker. He picked up up the note, put it in his pocket and continue to work.

Again to draw atttention the supervisor threw 500 Rupee note and the worker did the same. Now the supervisor picked a small stone and threw on the worker.The stone hit the worker. This time the worker looked up and the supervisor communicated with him.

The story is sama as to our LIFE. God from UP, wants to communicate with us, but we are busy doing our worldly jobs. Then, he give us small gifts and big gifts. But we just kept them without looking from where we got it. We are the same. Just keeping the gifts without thanking HIM, we just say that we are lucky.

And when we are hit by a small stone, which we call problems, suddenly we looked up and communicate with GOD. 

Broadcast msg diatas mengingatkan kita kembali dengan surat cintanya yang pernah disampaikan pada kita yakni “Ingatlah kepada-Ku, Aku juga akan ingat kepada kalian. Dan bersyukurlah kepada-Ku, janganlah kalian kufur.” (QS. Al Baqarah [2]:152).

Ah, masih banyak yang harus dibenahi dari diri ini. Semoga  kita senantiasa dapat selalu ingat dengan-Nya.

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